Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
Ever notice that life doesn’t always go the way you expect it to? Just when you think things are as you like them to be, something unexpected happens.

For me it happened on my middle son’s 12th birthday, 27th August 2021.
There’s a fine line between heroic persistence and foolish stubbornness. Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting our teeth and turning around.
Adam Grant (Author of Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know.

That sums it up perfectly.
Turning around both physically and mentally can be very difficult to do but sometimes it is the only way.
On that day my husband and decided that our family could no longer live in the town that we had chosen to spend the next five to ten years in. In fact, if we could have left that day, we would have.
Because sometimes enough is enough. And the only place you want to be is home, surrounded by people that know you, love you and believe in you.

Our decision meant my husband had to give up his job that was going to see him to retirement. I had to give up my job teaching in the school that had started me on my teaching journey, 20 years before. Our daughter, who had established strong friendships, joined sport teams and had a nice little social life, would have to give it up and start again.
For our two sons, however, it meant giving them a life and a second chance, away from the people who sought to destroy them and their family.
For months there has been lots of secret squirrel stuff and smokescreens. Even the kids didn’t know of our decision until Christmas Day, when Santa delivered some very special letters!
I am telling you this because it hasn’t been easy. There’s been lots to plan and organise. There have been times when I have been able to craft…have I told you lately how much I love my ready-to-go card making bag!…I just haven’t posted any of it.

In January we left that town. We slipped away quietly. No drama. No big announcement. But I might have flipped the bird in the rear vision mirror on our way out of town.
We have been homeless ever since. Our belongings are in storage somewhere in the state and we are living out of our suitcases. Luckily hubby packed the Ute and boat full of stuff we would need over the next three months. Although we really wish we’d packed the thermomixer and coffee machine!

In February we made it to our hometown and it has been everything we wished for and more. Over the next few months it will be so important to remember that, because our decision has come with additional challenges.
I am grateful that I have a teaching position. I am so excited to have won a position in the school that I want to spend the rest of my career at. It is challenging but everything I have experienced and learned over the past four years can be applied here. At least my career has fallen into place!
I am grateful that we found long term accommodation in an Air B&B, right near the kids school. There’s NO accommodation in our town which meant our tenants couldn’t leave our family home until the end of their lease – mid-March.
At this stage hubby is unemployed. He has been amazing supporting me going back to work and getting the kids sorted for school. He’s been an incredible house-hubby, baking afternoon teas, making lunches and dinners. But we’re getting really close to crunch time, bills will need paid and purchases will need to be made. He’s had two knock backs on applications he’s made…apparently experience and an amazing aptitude for hard work is not as important as how old you are.
What does this mean for you?
I guess until we move into our home, unpack our gear and I set up my crafting space you won’t see much on the blog, Facebook, Instagram and Etsy.
I would like to aim for posting monthly again, starting in May, including the newsletter.
I’ll do my best. Hopefully the April holidays will provide the time and space I need.
Thanks for reading – LUV your comments!
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